How to Fight Antisemitism in Your Community and Around the World

There’s been a heartbreaking rise in antisemitic attacks — both across the U.S. and around the world. Antisemitism isn’t new, and the Jewish community is devastatingly familiar with hate crimes, discrimination, and physical and verbal attacks.Fighting antisemitism at home and around the world is going to take all of us.

There’s been a heartbreaking rise in antisemitic attacks — both across the U.S. and around the world. Antisemitism isn’t new, and the Jewish community is devastatingly familiar with hate crimes, discrimination, and physical and verbal attacks.

Fighting antisemitism at home and around the world is going to take all of us.

We're standing with the Jewish community, and committing to do our part to offer support, speak out against antisemitism in any form when we see it happening.

Here's what’s happening, and how you can help take action, advocate, and support the Jewish community.

How to fight antisemitism in your community and around the world:

Recently, there’s been a sharp increase in the number of antisemitic attacks both in the U.S. and globally. Heartbreakingly, the Jewish community is too familiar with antisemitism, but it’s something we can all be a part of ending, right where we are, and around the world.

If we want to make a difference, we need to pay attention to the heartbreak.

At Good Good Good, we share good news — but that doesn’t mean we ignore the heartbreak, pain, and injustice in the world.

We can’t take action to create good in the world unless we first pay attention to, acknowledge, and mourn the problems in the world.

Right now, the Jewish community is experiencing a sharp rise in antisemitic attacks. It’s important that we pay attention to it so that each of us can take meaningful action to create a more equal, equitable, and inclusive world.

What’s happening in the Jewish community right now:

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said they received 205 reports of antisemitic incidents from May 10 to 23, and 126 from April 26 to May 9.

  • In Times Square, New York City, a 29-year-old Jewish man was beaten by a group of people amidst pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protests.
  • In Los Angeles, a group of Jewish diners were attacked by people shouting anti-Israel comments.
  • In Skokie, Illinois a window was broken and a sign reading “Freedom for Palestine” left behind at a synagogue.
  • Online, the ADL said it found 17,000 tweets between May 7 and 14 with some variation of the phrase “Hitler was right.”
  • In Germany, rocks were thrown at the doors of a synagogue in Bonn and Israeli flags burned outside a synagogue in Münster.
  • In North London, a man chanted anti-Jewish slurs from a convoy of cars.

The Jewish community has been experiencing increased antisemitism for years.

According to the ADL, in the last 5 years:

  • 63% of U.S. Jews say they have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism
  • 56% have heard antisemitic comments, slurs or threats targeting others
  • 25% say they have been targeted by antisemitic comments, slurs or threats
  • 9% say they have been physically attacked in the last five years because they are Jewish
  • 59% of Jewish Americans polled said they feel Jews are less safe in the U.S. today than they were a decade ago

How to be a good neighbor:

Take bystander intervention training.

When we witness discrimination, injustice, or antisemitic rhetoric or actions taking place, we can step in to stop it. This not only helps the victim feel supported, but you could help keep the situation from escalating further, and potentially even save a life.

Start by making yourself familiar with Hollaback’s 5 D’s of bystander intervention:

  1. Distract: Derail the incident by interrupting it, ignoring the harasser and engaging directly with the person being targeted. This takes attention away from them

    Ask the target for directions or the time, drop something, or strike up a conversation about a random topic.

  2. Delegate: Ask for assistance, for a resource, or for help from someone in a position of authority. Work together with a friend or other bystanders to distract, while you find help.

    Find a supervisor, bus driver, flight attendant, security guard, teacher, etc. and ask them to intervene. NOTE: Before you call 911, ask the person being harassed if they want you to.
  3. Document: It can be helpful for the target to have a video of the incident, but do it safely and responsibly. Laws about recording in public vary, so check local laws first.

    — If you do record: Keep a safe distance, film street signs or other landmarks that help identify the location, and say the day and time.
  4. Delay: Even if you can’t act to intervene in the moment, you can make a difference by checking in on the person who was harassed after the incident is over.

    — Ask if they’re okay, and tell them you’re sorry that happened to them. Offer to stay with them if they’d like, help them find resources they want to report the incident.
  5. Direct: Assess your safety first, and if you want to directly respond to the harassment by confronting what’s happening. If you do, keep it short, and be firm and clear when you speak up about the harassment.

    — You might say “That’s inappropriate, disrespectful, not okay, etc.” or “Leave them alone” or “That’s homophobic, racist, antisemitic, etc.” 

Take Hollaback’s full active bystander training at

Listen to our podcast episode with Hollaback founder Emily May about how to intervene.

Fight antisemitism right where you are.

Learn about the ways you may unknowingly harbor antisemitic thoughts, or perpetuate cliches with your words or actions.

Ask yourself, Who do I continue to dehumanize? Who do I view as a threat? Who do I believe is worth less than “us”? If we each did this self-reflection in our own lives, some of these acts of hate towards others may be avoided entirely.

Reach out to your Jewish friends and neighbors, and if you’re able, offer your support.

Commit to creating peace in your own life. In your home, faith communities, workplace, and in the policies you advocate for — at home and around the world.

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