Valerie Hill-Jackson is a Clinical Professor of Educator Preparation and the Assistant Dean of Educator Preparation Programs and School Partnerships at Texas A&M University. Since 2012, Hill-Jackson has served as the Senior Researcher for the Haberman Educational Foundation, which disseminates the research of Martin Haberman on educator preparation. Hill-Jackson is also an American Educational Research Association (AERA) / Spencer Fellow and a Fulbright Scholar. Hill-Jackson's books include: Transforming Teacher Education: What Went Wrong with Teacher Training and How We Can Fix It (Stylus, 2010); Better Principals, Better Schools: What Star Principals Know, Believe, and Do (IAP, 2016); Better Teachers, Better Schools: What Star Teachers Know, Believe, and Do (IAP, 2017); Teacher Confidential: Personal Stories of Stress, Self-Care, and Resilience (IAP, 2018) and; What Makes a Star Teacher: 7 Dispositions That Support Student Learning (ASCD, 2019).