Recent Good News

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A bright blue background with a woman (Ms. Rachel) smiling and waving in the foreground, dressed in pink.
A person holding a "Stop coal now!" sign
Solar panels on a roof
A photo collage of Elmo, a mound of salt grain, a bear cub, a man in a tractor, and a woman on a wheelchair
A Hipposideros fuliginosus, one of the bat species found on farms in Cameroon
Composite image of three separate TikTok video screenshots, each featuring a different person speaking into the camera. From left to right: Drew Afualo, Erin Hattamer, Chris Olsen. Each section includes captions, user interactions, and donation details related to their personal causes.
Split image with three segments: On the left, a blue colored close-up of a wooden gavel in a courtroom setting. In the middle, a close-up of a legal document titled "United States District Court, Northern District of California". On the right, three smiling women standing together,
A doctor holding a red ribbon
Three screenshots of Lizzo speaking in a TikTok video
John Green, Hank Green, Jen Hattamer