Economic Good News

Stories about money and economics being used for good — and good being done for money and economies

Woman cycling in the middle of a street

Bike-friendly cities should be designed for everyone — not just for wealthy white cyclists. Here's how...

Residents in low-income neighborhoods have been talking about what kinds of bike infrastructure they believe best meet their needs. Some of their preferences were notably different from those of cyclists in wealthier neighborhoods.
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chart of charitable giving from 1985 to 2023, showing an overall upward trajectory with some small drops

New 2023 data: U.S. charitable giving shows signs of stabilizing after years of volatility

Total giving has swung up and down more sharply than usual in recent years. However, there are more signs of charitable giving’s strength than weakness in this new data.
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An ad that says 'Let's fix climate finance' placed at a public space

Wealthy nations finally deliver promised climate aid, as calls for more equitable funding for poor countries grow

While they were two years late delivering on their promise, rich countries partially compensated for their earlier shortfalls, contributing nearly $116 billion in climate aid to developing countries.
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A group of people protesting of the street

Calls for divestment from apartheid South Africa gave today's pro-Palestinian student activists a blueprint to follow

By calling out complicity on the part of colleges, corporations, and the government in South Africa’s system of apartheid, student activists were able to show that demands for divestment could be a concrete and effective form of protest.
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A solar rooftop

Solar co-ops rise as a solution for low-income families to access renewable energy

For families who can’t pay high upfront costs for solar energy, cooperatives offer a solution.
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Red blood cells

Biomedical engineer designs affordable, groundbreaking stroke screening for sickle cell patients in Africa

An assistant professor of biomedical engineering is working to reduce the likelihood that children born with sickle cell disease will die from stroke, one of the most common complications.
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Abstract Line Art for AAPI Heritage Month

22 Ideas To Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a celebration of the many contributions and achievements of the AAPI community. 
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Train with 6189 plate number and the U.S. flag

These are the current 10 best cities for public transportation in the US

From coast to coast, we scoured the nation and found the cities that make getting from A to B easier than anywhere else.
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A western red colobus monkey

This 'cacao project' boosts livelihoods and buffers biodiversity in Sierra Leone

A shade-grown cacao plantations project provides wildlife refuge while generating income for cacao farmers in the Gola rainforest in West Africa.
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The American Climate Corps logo sits atop an imag of solar panels

You can now apply to join the American Climate Corps, with 2,000 new positions open across the country

Applications are now open for 2,000 jobs in the American Climate Corps, which are available in 36 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico.
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Rory Stewart gestures with his hands on stage as he gives a speech

How to end global extreme poverty with choice & dignity — according to Rory Stewart

Former MP and UK Secretary of State for International Development, Rory Stewart recently gave a TED Talk, describing his solution to ending extreme poverty around the world.
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Three screenshots of Maggie Rogers speaking into her camera in an Instagram Reel

Maggie Rogers is selling concert tickets to her fans IRL to fight exploitation in the live music industry

Maggie Rogers just dropped her third album "Don't Forget Me," and will soon take it on tour. But first — she's selling tickets in-person at box offices.
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