Folks have been fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice for generations. Long before the June 2022 Supreme Court ruling that would overturn the decision of Roe v. Wade, activists have been on the front lines fighting for reproductive rights.
And still, the battle for basic bodily autonomy continues.
Being a part of that fight might include donating to your local abortion fund, becoming an abortion clinic escort to protect your community members seeking care, marching in a protest, or even displaying a sign of support in the window of your home or business.
That said, we wanted to make it a little easier to take even the smallest step of action. We’ve collected some of our favorite free pro-choice and pro-abortion posters to make it easy for you to find, print, and show off.
Please show respect to these artists by only using their art in appropriate contexts — and try to offer credit when you have the opportunity.
You might also like:
- How To Protect Abortion Rights & Reproductive Freedom
- How to Safely Reduce Abortions Without Removing Access
- Free Black Lives Matter Posters to Display Proudly
Free Pro-Choice Posters To Download, Print, and Display —
Reasons People Have Abortions (None Of Your Business)
Artist: Kelly Purkey | Provider: Outlet

Abortion Is Normal
Artist: Rebecca Pauline Jampol, Chantal Fischzang, Jasmine Wahi, Rebecca Pauline Jampol, Marilyn Minter, Laurie Simmons, Gina Nanni, and Sandy Tait | Provider: Project for Empty Space

No War On Our Bodies
Artist: Nathan McKee | Provider: Outlet

We Demand Abortion Within Reach
Artist: Abortion Within Reach | Provider: Outlet

(If you’d like, you can also donate to support Abortion Within Reach, too.)
I Love My Local Abortion Provider
Artist: Abortion Within Reach | Provider: Outlet

Stop Criminalizing Bodily Autonomy
Artist: Abortion Within Reach | Provider: Outlet

I Support Abortion In My Community
Artist: Abortion Within Reach | Provider: Outlet

Our Bodies, Our Choice
Artist: Natalia Cardona Puerta | Provider: Outlet

Safe Abortion Access For All
Artist: Shannon Kidd | Provider: Outlet

Abortions Are Healthcare

Artist: Shannon Kidd | Provider: Outlet
Reproductive Agency Now
Artist: Elizabeth Haidle | Provider: Outlet

I Will Aid And Abet Abortion
Artist: Jen Milius | Provider: Outlet

Uterus Has A Posse
Artist: Lambtown | Provider: Outlet

Abortion Access Is A Community Responsibility
Artist: Shout Your Abortion | Provider: Outlet

(If you’d like, you can also donate to support Shout Your Abortion, too.)
We Won’t Stop
Artist: Shout Your Abortion | Provider: Outlet

Abortion Is Healthcare
Artist & Provider: International Planned Parenthood Federation