World's largest volunteer network offers over 39,000 places to donate your time this holiday season

a woman hands out care bags at a volunteer station outside.

For many, spreading the “holiday spirit” means more than simply stringing up twinkling lights, baking cookies, and meeting mall Santas — it’s also a time for generosity. 

In 2023, 75.7 million people — more than one in four Americans — volunteered their time through a formal organization or nonprofit, with September, October, November and December being the most popular months to volunteer. 

And 2024 might be on course to rival those numbers. 

According to Google, searches for “places to volunteer on Christmas day” doubled this December. 

For those looking to volunteer this holiday season, Nathan Dietz,  research director at the Do Good Institute at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, said that the best way to get involved is to do it in your community — and in-person. 

“Don’t get me wrong: I think if you go someplace by yourself, you’re going to be able to provide some value and you’re almost bound to have a great, fulfilling experience,” Dietz acknowledged in an interview with PBS

“[But] I think a lot of people have kind of fallen out of the habit of doing things together in-person,” he added. 

“I strongly believe that the more we take advantage of the opportunity to do that with people, the better everything is going to be.”

Fortunately, Points of Light — an independent nonprofit that doubles as the world’s largest volunteer network — makes it easier than ever to connect people with opportunities in their communities. 

“Through work with nonprofits, companies and social impact leaders, the organization galvanizes volunteers to meet critical needs for healthier and more equitable communities,” reads a mission statement on the Points of Light website

“As the world’s largest organization dedicated to increasing volunteer service, Points of Light engages more than 3.8 million volunteers across 38 countries.” 

Those hoping to donate their time this holiday season can visit the organization’s website to see over 39,000 active volunteer opportunities in Points of Light’s network. 

The organization couples intention with impact, breaking volunteer opportunities down by “issue areas” including food insecurity, senior care, disaster response and recovery, disability advocacy, homelessness, and more. 

And those searching for organizations that match a particular skill set can simply tick work experience boxes that include everything from firefighting and EMT work to public speaking and marketing. 

Prospective volunteers can also search with family members in mind, with an accessibility search feature that includes categories like “good for seniors,” “good for kids,” and opportunities that involve “physical labor.” 

a woman writing a a note to someone on red construction paper.
Image via Points of Light

“Volunteering with your family is a great way to teach your kids about empathy and responsibility and how they can make an impact on our world, even if it’s something small,” Points of Light volunteer Michelle Musslewhite shared in a recent Instagram post.

This past November, actor Patrick Dempsey spoke to the character of the nonprofit and the work they do, when his cancer-fighting foundation — The Dempsey Center — was honored at an awards gala. 

“Points of Light uplifts and inspires people to make the world a better place,” Dempsey said. 

“We’re not waiting for something that’s going to happen 10 years down the road, we can change someone’s life right now, today, in this moment.” 

Header image via Points of Light

Article Details

December 18, 2024 11:52 AM
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