Brian Mittendorf, PhD, CPA, is the H.P. Wolfe Chair in Accounting at The Ohio State University and Professor (by courtesy) at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. He holds a BBA in Accounting from Baylor University, and a PhD in Accounting from The Ohio State University. Prior to joining the Fisher College of Business, Mittendorf was an Associate Professor at Yale University's School of Management.

Mittendorf specializes in nonprofit accounting, managerial accounting, and the role of accounting in supply chain management, and teaches courses on financial statements for nonprofit and governmental organizations at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Mittendorf has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Management Science, and the RAND Journal of Economics, and serves in editor roles for Management Science and Production and Operations Management. He has also been cited in many media outlets, including Associated Press, BBC News, Bloomberg, CBS News, Chronicle of Philanthropy, CNN Money, Los Angeles Times, Marketwatch, Money, NBC News, New York Times, Nonprofit Times, NPR, Rolling Stone, San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, The New Yorker, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post, and is a four-time honoree of the Nonprofit Times Power and Influence Top 50.