Parent Goes Viral On TikTok for Life-Saving Invention

A screenshot of a TikTok of Felicia Jackson demonstrating the CPR Wrap, and a photo of the red CPR Wrap packaging

There is no shortage of stories in the world about everyday heroes who rise to the occasion in a crisis, even beyond comprehension: a woman who literally fought a bear to protect her dogs or bystanders who lift cars to save people from a near-deadly accident.

But the reality is: In a crisis, sometimes we need instructions to take action. 

In traumatic situations, many folks lose sight of information they might have otherwise committed to memory. Felicia Jackson, the owner and founder of CPR Wrap, experienced this firsthand. 

Jackson has decades of medical experience and was certified in CPR but froze in panic when her toddler son stopped breathing in the back seat of her car. 

Her husband quickly stepped in to save the day, but she came away with a valuable realization: Performing CPR needs to be less intimidating — and more accessible.

“Emergency situations cause panic, leaving people unsure of how to help,” Jackson writes on the company’s website. “I hope CPR Wrap empowers people to save lives.”

A Black woman with short dark hair wears a red tankn top and holds up the first iteration of the CPR Wrap
Felicia Jackson invented the CPR Wrap after her CPR training vanished in an emergency. Photo courtesy of CPR Wrap

CPR Wrap is a simple and straightforward tool that reminds people how to perform CPR in an emergency situation. The device does not require any certifications to use, but it is especially intended for those who are already professionally trained in CPR. 

It goes like this: Remove the product from its package, lay it on the chest of the “sudden cardiac arrest victim,” and follow the template printed on the device.

The device is made with a non-woven fabric (that’s eco-friendly!) and provides visual prompts to guide rescuers through the recommended steps of CPR. It also includes a mouth-to-mouth, one-way breathing barrier, and face shield, to help maintain sanitation.

CPR Wrap diagram sits on top of a CPR dummy
CPR Wrap provides clear instructions for delivering effective CPR. Photo courtesy of CPR Wrap

“Even people experienced in CPR can forget their training in stressful situations,” the company’s website reads. “CPR Wrap makes it possible for those individuals to effectively perform CPR at a moment’s notice.”

Jackson launched her invention at the end of 2017, and as of April 2022, she has sold more than 10,000 CPR Wraps globally. But her mission is to make these emergency procedures accessible to everyone. 

Recently, a video of Jackson explaining the CPR Wrap went viral on TikTok, raking in over 4.5 million views in under a week.

“I made CPR Wrap so easy a child could do it,” she says in the video, before walking viewers through the process of using the device. 

Commenters flocked to share their support for such a vital resource, many of them even discussing their own experiences with CPR.

“As a veteran paramedic, I can 110% back this,” one viewer wrote. “This is a brilliant idea; not just for home, but for everywhere.”

“I am a certified American Heart Association instructor and this is genius,” another added. “I need to get some for my community classes!”

“I’ve been trained for years in CPR first aid. The first time I needed it, it vanished,” someone else shared. “This is super smart!”

CPR Wrap packaging for infants
CPR Wrap is available in various sizes for different age groups. Photo courtesy of CPR Wrap

The CPR Wrap is priced at $9.99, though Jackson also offers bulk pricing for medical facilities and instructors. The AED-compatible invention also comes in various sizes for adults, children, and infants. 

“You can’t put a cost on life,” Jackson said in the video. “But we’re bringing you this affordable CPR template so you can save a life.”

Article Details

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