Ultimate List: 35 Animals That Start with V

Illustration of several animals, with the letter V

The animal kingdom encompasses a beautifully diverse array of species — from mammals and birds to reptiles and insects. And we’ve got them all! Animals are an integral part of Earth’s ecosystem, playing important roles in maintaining the balance of nature.

We’ve collected the ultimate list of animal names that start with V — all the way from Vampire Bat to Vulture.

A collection of illustrated animal faces with simple, stylized features on square backgrounds, including a lion, a fox, a rabbit, a seal, a tiger, and various wild cats, each with a distinct, friendly expression

Why did we write this article? 

  1. We share the Earth with animals — and we each can benefit from understanding and appreciating the entire animal kingdom
  2. Recognizing the importance of all creatures, big and small, can inspire us to make choices that benefit them and our planet.
  3. As a good news website — we have reported hundreds of good news stories about animals and we want it to be easier for you to enjoy them. Throughout this article, you’ll find links to good news stories about various animal species! We hope you get a chance to read a few and enjoy! 

We hope you discover something new — and maybe even share a good news story about your favorite animal with a friend. 

You might also like: Good news articles about animals

More animals that start with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 

Animals That Start with the Letter V —

  • Valley Bulldog
  • Vampire Bat
  • Vampire Crab
  • Vampire Squid
  • Vanga
  • Van Zyl’s Golden Mole
  • Vaquita
  • Veery
  • Vegavis
  • Velociraptor
  • Velvet Asity
  • Vendace Fish
  • Venus Flytrap
  • Vermilion Flycatcher
  • Vervet Monkey
  • Vesper Bat
  • Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee
  • Vicugna
  • Vicuna
  • Vicuña
  • Vine Snake
  • Vinegaroon
  • Viper
  • Viper Boa
  • Viper Shark
  • Viperfish
  • Vireo
  • Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko
  • Vizsla
  • Volcano Snail
  • Vole
  • Volpino Italiano
  • Vulture

Plus, explore more animal name articles:

You might also like: Animal Good News | Animal Rights Quotes | Animal Holidays | Pet Holidays | Nature Documentaries 

Article Details

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