The animal kingdom encompasses a beautifully diverse array of species — from mammals and birds to reptiles and insects. And we’ve got them all! Animals are an integral part of Earth’s ecosystem, playing important roles in maintaining the balance of nature.
We’ve collected the ultimate list of animal names that start with M — all the way from Magpies to Mullet Fish.

Why did we write this article?
- We share the Earth with animals — and we each can benefit from understanding and appreciating the entire animal kingdom
- Recognizing the importance of all creatures, big and small, can inspire us to make choices that benefit them and our planet.
- As a good news website — we have reported hundreds of good news stories about animals and we want it to be easier for you to enjoy them. Throughout this article, you’ll find links to good news stories about various animal species! We hope you get a chance to read a few and enjoy!
We hope you discover something new — and maybe even share a good news story about your favorite animal with a friend.
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More animals that start with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Animals That Start with the Letter M —
- Macaque
- Macaque Monkey
- Macaroni Penguin
- Macaw
- Macgillivray’s Warbler
- Machaeroides
- Mackenzie Valley Wolf
- Mackenzie Wolf
- Macrauchenia
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
- Madagascar Jacana
- Madagascar Red Owl
- Madagascar Tree Boa
- Madeiran Large White Butterfly
- Madora Moth
- Magellanic Penguin
- Maggot
- Magnolia Warbler
- Magpie
- Magyarosaurus
- Mahi Mahi
- Maiasaura
- Maine Coon
- Mal-Shi
- Malayan Civet
- Malayan Krait
- Malayan Tiger
- Malchi
- Mallard
- Malteagle
- Maltese
- Maltese Mix
- Maltese Shih Tzu
- Maltipom
- Maltipoo
- Mamba
- Mammoth
- Mamushi Snake
- Man of War Jellyfish
- Manakin
- Manatee
- Manchester Terrier
- Mandarin Rat Snake
- Mandrill
- Maned Wolf
- Mangalitsa Pig
- Mangrove Snake
- Mangrove Snapper
- Manta Ray
- Mantella Frog
- Mantis Shrimp
- Manx Shearwater Bird
- Map Turtles
- Mara
- Marabou Stork
- Marans Chicken
- Marble Fox
- Maremma Sheepdog
- Margay
- Marine Angelfish
- Marine Hatchetfish
- Marine Iguana
- Marine Toad
- Markhor
- Marlin
- Marmoset
- Marmot
- Marsh Frog
- Marsican Brown Bear
- Marsupial Mole
- Marten
- Masai Giraffe
- Masiakasaurus
- Masked Angelfish
- Masked Finfoot Bird
- Masked Palm Civet
- Mason Bee
- Massasauga
- Mastador
- Mastiff
- Mastiff Mix
- Mastodon
- Mauritius Blue Pigeon
- Mauzer
- May Beetle
- Mayan Cichlid
- Mayfly
- Meadowlark
- Meagle
- Mealworm Beetle
- Mealy Parrot
- Mealybug
- Meerkat
- Megalania
- Megaloceros
- Megalochelys
- Megalodon
- Megamouth Shark
- Meganeura
- Megapode
- Megatherium
- Meiolania
- Mekong Giant Catfish
- Merganser
- Mexican Alligator Lizard
- Mexican Black Kingsnake
- Mexican Eagle
- Mexican Fireleg Tarantula
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
- Mexican Grey Wolf
- Mexican Mole Lizard
- Mexican Wolf
- Microraptor
- Midget Faded Rattlesnake
- Miki
- Military Macaw Parrot
- Milk Snake
- Milkfish
- Milkweed Aphid
- Milkweed Beetle
- Millipede
- Mini Labradoodle
- Mini Lop
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Miniature Horse
- Miniature Husky
- Miniature Pinscher
- Mink
- Minke Whale
- Minnow
- Mississippi Kite
- Moccasin Snake
- Mockingbird
- Modern Game Chicken
- Mojarra
- Mojave Ball Python
- Mojave Rattlesnake
- Mola Mola
- Mole
- Mole Crab
- Mole Cricket
- Mole Rat
- Mole Snake
- Mollusk
- Molly
- Monarch Butterfly
- Mongoose
- Mongrel
- Monitor Lizard
- Monkey
- Monkfish
- Monocled Cobra
- Monte Iberia Eleuth
- Moon Jellyfish
- Moonglow Boa
- Moorhen
- Moose
- Moray Eel
- Morkie
- Morpho Butterfly
- Mosasaur
- Mosasaurus
- Moscow Watchdog
- Mosquito
- Moth
- Motmot
- Mottled Owl
- Mountain Beaver
- Mountain Bluebird
- Mountain Cur
- Mountain Feist
- Mountain Goat
- Mountain Gorilla
- Mountain Lion
- Mountain Tapir
- Mountain Zebra
- Mourning Dove
- Mourning Warbler
- Mouse
- Mouse Deer
- Mouse Spider
- Mousebird
- Mozambique Spitting Cobra
- Mud Dauber Wasp
- Mud Snake
- Mudi
- Mudpuppy
- Mudskipper
- Mulard
- Mule
- Mule Deer
- Mulga Snake
- Mullet
- Mullet Fish
- Muntjac
- Muscovy Duck
- Musk Deer
- Musk Ox
- Muskie
- Muskrat
- Musky Rat-Kangaroo
- Mussurana Snake
- Myna Bird
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- Animals That Start with F
- Animals That Start with G
- Animals That Start with H
- Animals That Start with I
- Animals That Start with J
- Animals That Start with K
- Animals That Start with L
- Animals That Start with M
- Animals That Start with N
- Animals That Start with O
- Animals That Start with P
- Animals That Start with Q
- Animals That Start with R
- Animals That Start with S
- Animals That Start with T
- Animals That Start with U
- Animals That Start with V
- Animals That Start with W
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- Animals That Start with Y
- Animals That Start with Z
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